Date of Award


Degree Type


First Advisor

Dr. R Clyde Minor


The present society and social institutions are undergoing complex and rapid changes due to the modern inventions, radio, talking movies, airplanes, cars and other progressive mechanizations of today. During this period of transition one must look back in order to compare present conditions with the past and formulate possible solutions to future problems which may arise in this complex society.

This piece of research, which has been compiled by the author, under the professional guidance of Dr. R. Clyde Minor, Professor of Sociology of Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri, aims to provide a background of the history, organization, and progress of the Negro churches of Jefferson City, Missouri. The author intends to present to you the methods used in obtaining data, source of material gathered, and the interpretation of these methods as outlined from the course "Methods of Research in Sociology."

The author wihes to acknowledge his sincere appreciations to all of the kind people who were so generous and courteous in contributing the valuable information used in this research. Especially, I wish to thank Dr. Minor for his able guidance and supervision; to Reverend Johnson, Reverend Jordan, Reverend J. P. Washington, Reverend Camper, Reverend Douglass, Mr. Logan, Attorney Cobb, Mrs. Tayes, Dean Jason, Dr. Savage, Mrs. Diggs, Mr. Johnson, Proctor, Lincoln University, Mrs. Earl Williams, the Librarians at the City and State Libraries, The Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce and many others who have been interviewed for this article.

The author sincerely hopes the survey will be beneficial to the entire negro population of this city.

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Sociology Commons
