Content Posted in 2020
Advancing Interpersonal Communication Research and Beyond at the National Communication Association 2019 Convention, Mick Brewer
APS March Meeting 2020: Undergraduate-Friendly Research in Soft Matter and Beyond, Vianney Gimenez-Pinto
AWP Panel R181. Unsilencing the Undergraduate Workshop, Daren Dean
Basic concepts for increasing learning for students in general education at Lincoln University, Aimee Busalacki
Christmas Tree Lighting Concert 2007, Lincoln University, Jefferson City Missouri
Exploring the Effects of Gut Microbiota With the Association of Parkinson’s Disease, Kristina Babic
Lest We Forget: A Celebration of the Life of Martin Luther King, Jr., Lincoln University, Jefferson City Missouri
LU Faculty Newsletter: March 2020, Darius Watson
Midwest Education Technology Community (METC) Train the Trainer: Updates in Educational Technology, Katrina Blau
Quality Matters Annual Conference 2020, Gary Kowaluk
Status of the Negro Churches of Jefferson City, Missouri, C Seymore-Cole
The impact of Bifidobacterium longum/infantis on infants, Shanice Clarke
"This is L.U." Multimedia Presentation at 2000 Lincoln University Fall Faculty Institute, Lincoln University, Jefferson City Missouri