Content Posted in 2015
1.1 Lloyd Gaines: The Man, The Mission, & The Mystery
1.1 Sidney Redmond, NAACP Attorney, Saint Louis, Missouri 1930s
1.2 NAACP Headquarters, New York City, 1930s
1.2 Water Valley, Mississippi, Birthplace of Lloyd Gaines
1.3 Charles Hamilton Houston, NAACP Chief Attorney, 1930-54
1.3 John D. Taylor, Democrat, MO House of Representatives, 39th District
1.3 Lloyd and George Gaines in an undated photograph
1.4 Gaines Family Home at 3932 Weest Belle Place, St. Louis, Missouri
1.4 Henry D. Espy, NAACP Attorney, Saint Louis, Missouri
1.4 Lloyd C. Stark, 39th Governor of State of Missouri, 1937-1941
1.5 Sherman D. Scruggs, 11th President of Lincoln University, 1938-1956
1.5 Vashon High School, Saint Louis, Missouri
1.5 Walter F. White, NAACP President, 1931-55
1.6 Lloyd Gaines, Valedictorian, Vashon Class of 1931
1.6 Lloyd Hogsett, University of Missouri Legal Counsel
1.6 School of Law, Lincoln University
1.7 Nicholas Cave, Assistant Legal Counsel, University of Missouri
1.7 Stowe Teachers College, Saint Louis, Missouri
1866-1870: Richard Baxter Foster, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1870-1871: W. B. Payne, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1875-1878: Samuel T. Mitchell, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1880-1898, 1922-1923: Inman E. Page, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1898-1901: John H. Jackson, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1.8 Chicago Defender article "STIFF FIGHT IS SEEN IN MO. U. JIM CROW SUIT"
1902-1918: Benjamin F. Allen, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1902: Edward E. Clarke, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1918-1922: Clement Richardson, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1923-1927, 1929-1931: Nathan B. Young, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1927-1929, 1937-1938: William B. Jason, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1931-1937: Charles W. Florence, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1938-1956: Sherman D. Scruggs, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1956-1969: Earl Edgar Dawson, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1969-1972 (Oct.): Walter C. Daniel, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1973-1982 (Nov.): James Frank, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1984-1986: Thomas Miller Jenkins, Hiram E. Jackson Jr.
1997-2005: Dr. David B. Henson
2005-2012: Dr. Carolyn Mahoney
2007 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Featured Workshop: Knot Theory, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri
2007 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Program, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri
2008 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Report, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2009 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Flyer, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri
2009 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Program, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri; Ameren UE Callaway Plant WIN- Women in Nuclear; and KJLU Radio Station
2009 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Program Planning Meeting, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2010 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Report, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2011 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Evaluation Forms, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2011 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Flyer, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2012 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Report, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2013-Present Dr. Kevin D. Rome, Sr.
2014 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Evaluation Forms, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2014 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Program, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri; KJLU Radio Station; and Ameren UE Callaway Plant WIN- Women in Nuclear
2014 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Registration Form, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2015 Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day Program, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
2.1 Boone County Courthouse, Columbia, Missouri
2.1 Lincoln University Campus, 1930s
2.1 Lloyd Gaines close up image
2.2 Lincoln University History Club, 1934-35, Lloyd Gaines is in the back row, third from left
2.3 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Psi Chapter Lincoln University, 1934-35
2.3 Eddie Mae Page, Friend of Lloyd Gaines in Chicago
2.3 University of Missouri building
2.4 Judge W. M. Dinwiddie Boone County, Missouri, 13th Circuit Court
2.4 "The Strange Disappearance of Lloyd Gaines"
2.4 W. Sherman Savage, Lincoln University History Professor, 1921-60
2.5 Charles W. Florence, 10th President of Lincoln University, 1931-37.
2.5 J. Edgar Hoover FBI Director 1935-72
2.5 Missouri State Supreme Court Building, Jefferson City, Missouri
2.6 Judge William F. Frank, Chief Justice, Missouri State Supreme Court
2.6 Lloyd Lionel Gaines, Lincoln University Junior Class Portrait, 1933-34
2. 6 Memorial for Lloyd Gaines, St. Peter's Cemetery, Normandy, St. Louis County, Missouri
2.7 Lincoln University Senior Class of 1935
3.1 Lincoln University Law School
3.1 Lloyd Gaines sitting in a chair
3.1 University of Missouri Campus, 1930s
3.2 Lloyd L. Gaines/Marian O'Fallon Oldham Black Culture Center at University of Missouri
3.2 Lorenzo Greene, Lincoln University History Professor, 1933-72
3.3 Charlie Houston Letter to Walter on May 24, 1938
3.3 University of Missouri awarded a law degree to Lloyd Gaines in 2006
3.4 United States Supreme Court 1938
3.4 University of Missouri Doctor of Law Degree to Lloyd Lionel Gaines
3.5 Supreme Court Justice James P. McReynolds
3.5 S. Woodson Canada, University of Missouri Registra
3.5 The Missouri State Supreme Court Conferred a Honorary Law License for Lloyd Gaines.
3.6 Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes
3.6 William Masterson, Law School Dean, University of Missouri
3.7 Chief Justice Hughes Delivered the Opinion of the Court for Gaines vs. Canada Case
3.7 Frederick Middlebush, 13th President of University of Missouri, 1935-54
3.8 Guy B. Park, 38th Governor, Missouri, 1933-37
411 Newsletter Spring 2015 Issue 1, Career and Academic Support Service
411 Newsletter Spring 2015 Issue 2, Career and Academic Support Service
50 Years Ago We Marched: What began on the grounds of Lincoln University, ended on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol, Katherine Black, Trinita Birch, Christian Thompson, Blake Railing, Lauren Howard, and Mark Gunnels
Affect and the Problem of Evil, Bruce Ballard
Althea Gibson, Joyce Danielle Blodgett
A Mea Culpa for The Felix Culpa? A Greater Goods Response to the Problems of Evil and Hell, Ian Spencer
An Evening with Dr. Venus Opal Reese, Motivational Speaker, Business Woman, and Author, Venus Opal Reese
An Evening with Janks Mortons, Actor, Educator, Activist, Janks Morton
An Evening with Lisa Nicole Bell, Award-Winning Media Entrepreneur, Writer, Producer, and On Camera Talent, Lisa Nicole Bell
An Evening with Michael Eric Dyson, Best Selling Author, Scholar, and Cultural Critic, Michael Eric Dyson
An Evening with Richard Claxton “Dick” Gregory, Civil Rights Activist, Nutritionist, Comedian, and Author, Richard Claxton Gregory
An Evening with Tim Wise, an Anti-Racist Essayist, Author and Educator., Timothy Jacob Wise
Annette Digby, Jessie Bayless
A Physicalist View Of The Passion Of Christ, Joungbin Lim
A Thing Called Race, Clanton W. Dawson
Black Music as a Reflection o Black Life: Black Political Music, Hip Hop & the Changing Same, Derek J. Evans
Blue Tiger Commons Bookmarks, Haiying Qian
Blue Tiger Commons: what it can do for you?, Haiying Qian
Blue Tiger Leader April 2015 Issue, Lincoln University Army ROTC Blue Tiger Battalion
Blue Tiger Leader February 2015 Issue, Lincoln University Army ROTC Blue Tiger Battalion
Blue Tiger Leader September 2015 Issue, Lincoln University Army ROTC Blue Tiger Battalion
Book Signing, Terry Baker Mulligan and kYmberly Keeton
Book Signing and Afternoon Reception with Author Judy Juanita, Judy Juanita and kYmberly Keeton
Book Talk, Signing and Reception, Terry Baker Mulligan and kYmberly Keeton
Breakfast, Terry Baker Mulligan and kYmberly Keeton
Carolyn Atkins, Don Johnson
Carolyn Banner, Lorissa Cabellon
Carolyn Mahoney, Cedric Curry
Clearing Up Confusions about Religion and Evolution, Brendan Sweetman
Community Literary Reading Symposium & Book Signing with Author, Judy Juanita and kYmberly Keeton
Creating Information Literacy Toolkits For HBCU Libraries, kYmberly Keeton
Daniel Foster Letter to Richard Baxter Foster May 11, 1863, Daniel Foster
Delineating the Boundaries for Religious Speech in Public Discourse in Kierkegaard and Habermas, Michael Carper
Do You Have To Be Religious To Find Meaning In Life, David Holley
Edna Chavis, Patrick Brown
Elaine M. Aber, Lana Dawnson
Embodied Religion and Liberal Society: The Obstacle of De Facto Established Religion, Kevin Carnahan
Faith, Reason and Politics, Brendan Sweetman
Faye Tull Carter, Lorissa Cabellon
Fiscal Year 2015 Award Projects, Office of Sponsored Research & Grants
God: Savior, Butcher, Or Oblivious Artist? The Theodicy Of Alfred North Whitehead, Laurence Rohrer
Harriet Robinson, Bryce Dallmeyer
Hazel McDaniel Teabeau, Patrick Brown
Healthy Aging Newsletter 2014 Special Edition, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Autumn 2012, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Spring 2014, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Spring/Summer 2013, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Summer 2011, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Summer 2014, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Healthy Aging Newsletter Summer 2015, Paula J. Carter Center on Minority Health and Aging, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
Ida Ballard Simon, Don Johnson
Inman E. Page Library Resources for Students and Faculty, kYmberly Keeton
Inside The Page Fall 2006 issue, Inman E. Page Library
Inside the Page Fall 2015 issue, Inman E. Page Library
Inside The Page Spring 2015 issue, Inman E. Page Library
Introduction to Alasdair MacIntyre and the Ethics and Politics of Practice, Christopher Lutz
Josephine Silone Yates, James Brad Bickell
Journalism & Democracy: Why Paternalism Isn’t So Scary, Ryan Thomas
Juanita Kidd Stout, Cedric Curry
Libraries Transforming Communities: The Value in an Academic Library Community at Lincoln University, kYmberly Keeton
Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research Annual Report 2010, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research
Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research Annual Report 2012, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research
Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research Annual Report 2013, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research
Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research Annual Report 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research
Made in God's Image! - What Does It Mean? Science and Religion in Conversation, Clifford Cain
Margaret Bush Wilson, Bryce Dallmeyer
Molinism, Open Theism, and Moral Luck, Mark Anderson
Morality Without God, Jeffrey Freelin
Moral Virtue as Knowledge of Human Form, Micah Lott
Myrtle Smith Livingston, Lana Dawnson
No Meaning Without God, Chris Gadsden
Ouida Sprye Tolbert, Jessie Bayless
Portrayal of Blacks in the American Mass Media, Earnest Perry
Post-Rawlsian Movements, Multiculturalism, and Black Americans, Brian Thomas
Reformed Epistemology, Clairvoyance, and the Role of Evidence, Andrew Moon
Religion, Democracy and the Public Sphere, Joseph Martire
Religion in the Media, Brendan Sweetman
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife July 6 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife July 8 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife June 2 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife June 4 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife March 12 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife March 30, 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife March 7 1863, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife March 8 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife May 24, 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife May 28 1864, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife October 17 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife (October 4, 1865?), Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife Sept 3 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife September 1 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife September 14 1863, Richard Baxter Foster
Richard Baxter Foster Letter to his wife September 29 1865, Richard Baxter Foster
Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day General Information, Association for Women in Mathematics, Lincoln University of Missouri and Donna L. Stallings
Terrorism and White Supremacy Groups, Larry Brown
The Double‐Edged Sword Of Interdict: Some More Warnings From History, Marshall Crossnoe
The Manager, the Everyday Plain Person, and the Philosopher, Gregory R. Beabout
Theodicies, Utilitarianism, and Respect for Persons, Jeffrey Freelin
The Plain Person and the Catholicity of Philosophy, Bryan R. Cross
The Southern Literacy Renaissance of Lillian B. Horace, kYmberly Keeton
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, April 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, August 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, December 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, February 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, June 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The View from LU Cooperative Extension, October 2014, Lincoln University Cooperative Extension
The Voice in the Whirlwind: Lessons for Job -- Randomness and Natural Evil, Richard Carlson
University Breakfast Reading Soiree Meet & Greet with Author, Judy Juanita and kYmberly Keeton
Wendell Berry's Critique of E. O. Wilson on Science, Michael Carper
Writers Write! University Creative - Writing Workshop with Author, Judy Juanita and kYmberly Keeton
Yvonne D. Stark - Wilson, Joyce Danielle Blodgett
Zelma Lloyd Frank, James Brad Bickell